Item Price in Rs.
16 x 1 675
16 x 1 LED BACKLIT 1240
16 x 2 780
16 x 2 LED BACKLIT 1125
16 x 4 2480
40 x 2 1800
40 x 2 LED BACKLIT 2800
40 x 4 6765
20 x 2 2030
20 x 4 LED BACKLIT 2800
20 x 4 2250
Item Price in Rs.
128 x 64 8200
240 x 64 11275
3 1/2 DIGIT LCD 170
4 1/2 DIGIT LCD 310
3 1/2 DIGIT LED DPM 650
3 1/2 DIGIT LCD DPM 650
4 1/2 DIGIT LCD DPM 1350

We offers alphanumeric LCD and Green Vaccum Fluorescent Displays in the following ragnes:
16 Characters x 1 Row, 16 x 2, 40 x 2, 40 x 4 and 20 x 1. Also available are alphanumeric LED Indicators (4 x 1 and 8 x 1 row). All have an in-built encoder which accepts 8-bit parallel data. Application areas include data entry terminals, computers, parameter status indicators in process control and CNC.